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Master Mak Foo Wengg is the founder and principal of Eastelligence Connection. He also started his facebook Fans Page namely ‘Feng Shui Malaysia’ since 2010 and this page has grown significantly in the recent year and has become a usual stop by many face book lover to look for useful Feng Shui tips and guidance. He has total of 15 years of experience in the Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology area.


Master Mak has a strong interest in Feng Shui since secondary school and has started to explore and venture into various Feng Shui school of thoughts since the young age. After he graduated from Chung Ling High School, due to his strong desire to take this to the next level, he pursues his academy in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology which took him about 3 years.


He started his Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology services as a hobbies and interest which aim to helps friends and families to resolves sickness, improve business and sales, improve relationship etc. At a later stage, this has grown up into a bigger and bigger business for him and hence he has decided to take it into full time in 7 years back.


Master Mak key expertise’s are in I-Ching Prediction Studies, Xuan Kong Feng Shui Studies which includes both Yin and Yang Feng Shui Studies, Chinese and English Name Generator, Mobile Number analysis and enhancement, Purple Star Astrology coaching. Others include Bazi Analysis, Business Card, House plate, Car Plate analysis and enhancement.


In addition, Master Mak develops colour of the day which allow us to wear the lucky colour shirt to support us in terms of sales, presentation, sickness and boost up our confidence level and bring us good luck and great opportunities!

麦釜荣师父擅长玄空風水學(飛星,大卦,六法),易经卜卦,易经算命,陰陽宅風水,尋龍點穴,姓名吉凶學,手面相, 命理-八字,紫微斗數, 開運名片學,擇日學,奇門遁甲方位學。


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Feng Shui Blog

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