易经占卦就是依据时间先后的贯时性联想,设法为现在的烦恼(果) 找出过去的心结(因),进而予以消解。在占卦当中探索同时发生的事是偶然的吗?它们之间的关联是甚么?易经占卦正是这种观点的典型代表,你为某事烦恼时,今天上午占问与下午占问,所得的答案常是不同的。所以你对同一问题在三个月之内不宜再次占问,因为三个月代表一季。季节都改变,各项条件自然随之改变。易经的“易”即是变化,要人培养随遇而安的智慧。更重要的是,经由这种占问而认清自己的处境,朝着正确方向去努力,既要修德行善,又要增强应变能力。
I Ching Prediction
What can I Ching Prediction do for me? It won’t tell you what to do actually. The danger with any form of astrology prediction is that the user starts to consult it for every decision and every occasion, or try to get it to take the responsibility of decision away from them. One thing you will not find in the I Ching is an ideology or a set of fixed rules for behavior. Its answers are far too personal and specific for that. The results show you exactly what kind of situation is your question refers to, for i.e what its essence is, how the energy moves through it. Some courses of action would accord better with the nature of the moment, and hence be more successful, than others.
The I Ching reveals the truth about the present. It does not predict an inevitable future that you can only await helplessly, for the very good reason that no such thing exists! We are free individuals, so neither the I Ching nor any power on earth can predict what we’ll decide before we decide it. The assumption behind using the I Ching is that your choices have the power to make a real difference in your own life and other people’s. When you are confuse and not sure how to approach 1 of your real life situation, I Ching prediction could helps you to reveal your present more in depth and its relationship with all related matters and people to the issues, from there you could probably make a better decision and know how to proceed on.
What the I Ching does do – and this is an enormous help – is to tell you what challenges and opportunities you are likely to face if you take a particular path, and how you can negotiate the obstacles you meet. This is the opposite of ‘fortune telling’. Being told what will happen, as if your own choices had nothing to do with the outcome, is deeply discourage. The I Ching tells you what effects their choices will have, and helps you to develop strategies to achieve your goals.
Don’t do I Ching Prediction when: -
1) Not sincere and not willing to take responsibilities. I Ching prediction results require you to take responsibilities and be able to improve and resolve your own issues. It helps you to resolve your stuck issues when you are sincere and willing to take responsibilities on your issues.
2) Don’t ask for something that is not supposed to. For i.e: Will I be the winner for this gambling, will I be prosperous in my life etc. All these are at your own hand to be created.
3) Don’t do the prediction if you do not have a real doubt or dilemma in your real life issues. Ask only if you face an situation where you are really unsure on how do you approach the situation better.
4) Don’t do the prediction when your mind is unclear. If your mind is not clear and you have multiple questions in your head and not sure which is the one that you really wanted to ask for, then don’t do it until you take a moment to clear your thoughts and question. This is because when your question is vague, the answer/results will also be very vague which may create you more confusion rather than helping you to resolve your issues.
5) Don’t do the prediction when you already have decided your path on that situation. This is no point right? When you already know what and how you supposed to move forward, just do it and move on. I Ching Prediction only helpful when you face a dilemma and unsure how to solve your situation.
Should you have stuck situation in life, book an appointment with Master Mak for an I-Ching Prediction for your case.
Yi-Jing Prediction : US$399