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Feng Shui Office 

How could Feng Shui be helping your business?


Would you like your business to be more prosperous? Would you also like a more harmonious work environment that both invigorates and supports you and the people you work with? How would you like to think more clearly and be more productive?


If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you might want to consider the use of Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement. Do you know that, in the practice of Feng Shui, the happiness, success and prosperity you have in your business life is greatly influenced by the position of your desk. The optimal position will bring you success and recognition while on the other hand, if your desk is located at the negative “sha chi” area then it will impact your career, work relationship or business deal.


Aside, Live plants and flowers bring many positive elements into the workplace if you place them at the right place and choosing the correct one. While on the other hand it may cause “sha chi” should you choose the wrong plants or place them at wrong location. Fountains, Aquarium too have it’s own impact to your house/office in terms of Feng Shui.

So come. Come take a journey into the fascinating world of “wind and water.” Learn to use the flow of energy called chi to improve yourself and your business. Let Feng Shui’s universal truths bring a beautiful balance into your work life. Contact me to understand your Feng Shui Office !




如果你在以上多个问题的回答中有一或多项是肯定的,你可能要考虑使用风水了。您知道吗,办公桌的位置和办公室大门在风水学上对您的事业/企业成功和繁荣起着怎样的影响吗?再说,如果你在正确的位置放置一盆植物和花卉可以带来很多积极的元素(当然这意味着选对植物来放置)。若你不小心选错植物和花卉或把它们放置在错误的地方,就很可能会导致“煞气” 此外,喷泉,水族馆等对你家或办公室的风水方面也有着一定的影响。


这样一来,快来参与我们的风水之旅,学习使用正能量启动,以改善您和您的办公室风水及业务吧 。让风水的普遍真理带来一个美好和平衡的工作生活。



Feng Shui Consultation :Contact For Advise (+6011-1214 3468)

(Land / Home / Office / Factory / Retail Outlet)


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